Easy Conception https://easyconception.com Mon, 29 Mar 2021 03:07:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://easyconception.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/cropped-imageedit_0_6480933537-e1614390269859-32x32.png Easy Conception https://easyconception.com 32 32 189608612 GENESIS Fertility & Reproductive Medicine https://easyconception.com/listings/genesis-fertility-reproductive-medicine/ https://easyconception.com/listings/genesis-fertility-reproductive-medicine/#respond Mon, 29 Mar 2021 03:07:38 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?post_type=listing&p=325 GENESIS  Fertility & Reproductive Medicine  is one of many medical practices and fertility clinics in the New York City metropolitan area dedicated to the treatment of reproductive disorders. The stated mission of all of them is the alleviation of infertility. Still, they are not all alike. Some programs provide a limited scope of basic services, […]

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GENESIS  Fertility & Reproductive Medicine  is one of many medical practices and fertility clinics in the New York City metropolitan area dedicated to the treatment of reproductive disorders. The stated mission of all of them is the alleviation of infertility. Still, they are not all alike. Some programs provide a limited scope of basic services, while some are focused mainly on the high-tech procedures. Some are based in hospitals, while others are free-standing, privately owned ventures. Some are large and impersonal, while others are small, boutique-type offices. Good care can be obtained in many of these facilities. The information that follows will describe just what sets GENESIS apart from other fertility clinics- exceptional care and exceptional results.  With multiple clinics in New York, GENESIS Fertility serves infertility patients from NYC, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and Long Island, New York.

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Kofinas Fertility Group https://easyconception.com/listings/kofinas-fertility-group/ https://easyconception.com/listings/kofinas-fertility-group/#respond Mon, 29 Mar 2021 02:59:07 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?post_type=listing&p=321 Your goal is to start a family, and our life’s work is to make that happen. Here at Kofinas Fertility Group, a fertility clinic in New York, we’re true experts in fertility medicine, and every solvable fertility situation is within our capability. We won’t send you away for tests, exams, surgery or any other aspect of […]

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Your goal is to start a family, and our life’s work is to make that happen. Here at Kofinas Fertility Group, a fertility clinic in New York, we’re true experts in fertility medicine, and every solvable fertility situation is within our capability. We won’t send you away for tests, exams, surgery or any other aspect of your fertility care, for the simple reason that nobody does it better than we do.

We give each couple or individual a personalized care plan that offers the optimal chance for a successful pregnancy, and we provide you with care and capability from the forefront of fertility medicine. Quite simply, we will do whatever’s necessary to allow you to experience the joy of having a child.

The expertise and determination of our specialists, coupled with our unlimited technological capabilities is why we’re New York’s choice for exceptional fertility treatment. We believe that the root cause of your fertility challenges should be addressed first to optimize your fertility success. Because surgery is often necessary to optimize your chances of success, excellent surgical skill is a key talent all of our doctors possess.

Over 30 years in practice has led to thousands of people just like you that have discovered the warmth of parenthood when they had thought – and had been told – that pregnancy wasn’t possible. You too can join our growing book of success stories.


Why choose us?

  • We provide a custom treatment plan based exclusively on your needs – We don’t skip straight to in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • The “skip to in vitro fertilization (IVF)” strategy used by many other fertility clinics is not followed here at Kofinas Fertility Group. The purpose of our professional lives is to help start a wonderful new chapter in your life, and despite what you may have heard, you may not require IVF to accomplish that. Or, you may need to take certain steps before undergoing IVF in order to give yourself the best chance for success. We are very proud of our success rates in all categories and age ranges.
  • We won’t turn you away due to your age or BMI (Body Mass Index).
  • Our goal of discovering the root cause of infertility is so that each of our patients can GET and STAY pregnant so they have a healthy baby.
  • We are extremely thorough with our testing and individualize everyone’s care.
  • Our doctors are very involved throughout the patient journey and work as a team led by Dr. George Kofinas.
  • Our doctors perform all the ultrasounds on our patients giving you the most qualified set of eyes looking at the whole of your reproductive health.
  • We have the most advanced fertility center available in New York and have our own private surgical facility, Manhattan Reproductive Surgery Center.

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Infertility Treatments – what are your options? https://easyconception.com/infertility-treatments/ Wed, 10 Mar 2021 19:21:34 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?p=303 I can’t get pregnant, now what? Couples find it hard to get pregnant because of factors that affect either or both parties. Still, it’s vital to know when you need to go for infertility treatments. According to the ACOG, you may have infertility problems when you do not get pregnant after a year of regular […]

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I can’t get pregnant, now what?

Couples find it hard to get pregnant because of factors that affect either or both parties. Still, it’s vital to know when you need to go for infertility treatments. According to the ACOG, you may have infertility problems when you do not get pregnant after a year of regular sex without any protection. If you fit into this category, you and your partner might need to go for infertility treatments. While they do not always solve the problem, the good news is that they work for up to 95% of couples.

Overview of fertility treatments

Your doctor will start your infertility evaluation by taking a detailed history. He or she will ask you vital questions. For example, they would need to know how often you have sex, menstrual pattern, history of infections, present medical conditions, and many more. Afterward, your doctor will examine you before starting the tests to find out the cause of your problems. 

Fertility tests

The test involves a semen test to find out the volume, pH, sperm count, shape, and movement for men. The tests for women are tubal patency and ovulation tests. Other tests include hormonal assay, ultrasound, and other baseline tests.

Treatment options

You should try talking with your doctor or going to a fertility clinic if you are worried about conception. It is great to carry out the tests and start infertility treatments as early as possible if you are a woman over 35 years of age. The best treatment for you depends on the cause of your fertility problem. So, we will look at the most common options for couples:

  • Ovulation induction agents: A woman’s egg needs to be released from the ovaries into her tubes for pregnancy to occur. So, agents that induce ovulation aim to prime the ovaries to release more eggs and treat any other problem.

Clomiphene citrate is a great option. Taking it orally for five days (between day 2 to 6 of your menstrual cycle) improves your ovarian response. Your doctor might also give you drugs that improve your gonad function along with the drug. Other medical treatment options include aromatase blockers such as letrozole.

  • IVF: This is one of the most effective types of infertility treatments worldwide. It is commonly used by couples with fertility problems, same-sex couples, and single parents alike. The health expert fertilizes the egg and sperm in a lab and transfers the embryo to the mother’s uterus, where it implants. The process addresses many challenges with fertility and increases the chances of conception significantly.

You should think of IVF if you have low sperm count, damaged tubes, PCOS, and ligated tubes. Other reasons to choose IVF include recurrent abortions, advanced age in mothers, ovarian problems. The process is almost painless.

  • Artificial or intrauterine insemination (IUI): This process occurs when you need a sperm donor or if you have fertility issues. Since sperm and egg must meet for an embryo to form, IUI makes the process easy and through the most effective means.

Your cervix or tubes could be limiting the number of sperm that make it to the egg. Thus, it might be best to inject prepared and highly motile sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation. This reduces the distance that the sperm need to travel and improves the outcome of the process. Some of the best people for IUI are those with sperm count or motility issues, cervix problems, unexplained fertility issues. Same-sex female couples also need a sperm donor if they desire a pregnancy.

  • Egg or sperm donation: This occurs when you use someone else’s egg or sperm to achieve a pregnancy for yourself. Thus, this is for couples that cannot provide both the eggs and sperm on their own, as seen in gay couples who want kids. The treatment allows one of the proposed parents to be related to the child by genetics.

Also, it allows the intended female parent to carry a pregnancy if she needs a male donor. Donation materials usually come from known or unknown donors from programs or agencies. A key topic in egg or sperm donation is the medical and legal preparation involved.

  • Surrogacy: A surrogate is a woman who agrees to bear a child for a person or couple. Surrogacy is needed if you have an issue that makes pregnancy or birth fatal for you. Other instances requiring surrogacy include those born with an abnormal or even absent uterus, recurrent abortions, failed IVF treatment, chronic health problems, and cancer. It is also an option for same-sex couples.

The process involves a cycle of IVF from intended donors and placing them into the surrogate’s uterus. The entire procedure might take months or years to complete based on the success rate. The process depends on body response to IVF, quality of embryos, and the selection of donors. Surrogates must have a healthy lifestyle and a history of successful pregnancies.

Other infertility treatment options

Sometimes, you might not be able to get pregnant because of less common causes. Therefore, it means that the treatment needed would also be different. For example, women with submucous fibroids and endometriosis require surgery to be able to achieve a pregnancy.

Likewise, men with obstructive defects in their tracts may need surgery to increase the chances of conception. GnRH and dopamine agonists are other medical treatment options in rarer cases.

Bottom line

After carrying out tests, it may show that one or both of you have problems that the fertility clinic can treat. Afterward, your doctor will discuss the best plan for you. Though it is only normal to be worried or sad if conception is hard for you, you should not let those negative feelings stop you from becoming a parent.

You should try carrying out all the necessary tests and do not miss any fertility clinic visits as you look for the best treatment options for you and your partner. You might also find a number of things helpful, like talking with a counselor, joining a support group, and living a healthy lifestyle.

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Why can’t I get pregnant? https://easyconception.com/why-cant-i-get-pregnant/ Wed, 10 Mar 2021 15:01:22 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?p=299 Fertility simply means being able to have kids. One of the reasons couples have sex is to get pregnant. Up to 85% of couples achieve this in their first year of living together. But what happens to the others? Fertility challenges are common among couples, and the only way to deal with them is to […]

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Fertility simply means being able to have kids. One of the reasons couples have sex is to get pregnant. Up to 85% of couples achieve this in their first year of living together. But what happens to the others?

Fertility challenges are common among couples, and the only way to deal with them is to learn about the factors behind them. If you are thinking of starting a family or having kids, you should know how these issues occur over time. Let’s go over the most common factors that influence your chances of pregnancy.

Factors influencing fertility

Both male and female factors play an equal role in influencing fertility. Below are the causes of why some people have a difficult time having kids:

  • Female factors (30-40%)
  • Male factors (30-40%)
  • Combined factors (15-20%)
  • Unexplained (1-5%)

This shows that if you and your spouse have a hard time having kids, you can trace the problem to either partner in 95% to 99% of cases. In rare cases, it might be hard to see the cause of the problem with conception.

Let’s take a look at some of the key personal and lifestyle factors that affect fertility:

  • Age: Most times, the best period to carry a pregnancy is in your 20’s or early 30’s. After that, conception starts getting a bit more difficult. Studies clearly show that increased age (women in their late 30’s and above) are less fertile. Therefore, it is important to consider your age when planning your family or career. For men, age only starts to become important after 50 years of age, and even then, it plays a minor role.
  • Obesity: The ideal Body Mass Index is 18.5 to 25 kg/m2. Obesity starts from 30kg/m2 and inclines both men and women toward reduced fertility. Also, kids born to obese mothers are at a higher risk of coming out with congenital disabilities. While it is unclear how being overweight affects a man’s fertility, that of a woman is pretty clear. Obesity causes menstrual cycle problems because of the hormonal imbalance, which affects ovulation, leading to reduced pregnancy rates. Weight loss can improve your chances of a successful conception.
  • Exercise: The role of exercise is to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. A little exercise and very intense workouts are two extremes that could affect your pregnancy attempts in a negative manner. Hence, it is best to exercise moderately three to four times a week. Male fertility’s association with exercise has not been adequately studied. However, females could have problems if they do not work out.
  • Diet: Poor diet habit might be making your fertility clinic visits futile. Certain diets such as vegetarian diets, low-fat diets, vitamin E, glycemic index carbs, multivitamin supplements are great food options. They reduce menstrual disorders and improve sperm conditions.
  • Alcohol intake: Studies show that women who drink alcohol have a decreased ability to conceive. Also, male partners seem to show gonad problems and decreased sperm production. Also, experts have not agreed on the safe levels of alcohol intake for expectant couples. This is why a good fertility clinic will recommend total abstinence. Besides, alcohol intake in pregnancy affects the fetus and may cause problems such as fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • Caffeine: There is not much evidence to suggest a negative effect of caffeine intake on conception and pregnancy. In other words, you can consume coffee at modest levels before and during pregnancy. Still, because of the unhealthy habits linked with caffeine and the risk of excess intake, you and your partner should limit your daily coffee intake to one or two cups. Also, since caffeine tends to store in fetal tissues and produces several effects, you would want to avoid it when you can.
  • Stress: There are several claims that stress reduces your chances of getting pregnant to some degree. The release of stress hormones such as cortisol affects heart rate, blood pressure, and many other body functions. Therefore, prolonged high levels of stress could cause a poorer disease course in already existing medical issues in you or your partner. Though clinical trials have not proven many of these claims, studies have shown a strong link between stress and fertility.
  • Tobacco use: Tobacco intake causes reduced fertility in both males and females. Cigarette smoking comes with multiple health risks. For females, they become less fertile with consistent smoking of more than ten cigarettes a day. Tobacco could damage the gametes and cause changes in tubal and cervical tissues. Also, several studies have linked smoking to early menopause.
  • Recreational Drug Use: Drugs should be avoided because of the general health risks they come with. All of these risks could affect the conception to varying degrees. For instance, some fertility clinics have linked marijuana use with a reduction in conception chances. However, this link could be direct or indirect. All the same, we have limited data on the exact role of these drugs in being fertile.
  • Sexual History: A poor sexual history marked by recurrent sexually transmitted diseases could lead to females’ childlessness. Untreated or poorly treated gonococcal and chlamydial infections may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which could cause scarring of the inner tissues, making it difficult for you to get pregnant. Consider adopting safe sexual practices for months or years leading up to your pregnancy attempt.

Bottom line

So, why can’t I get pregnant? When starting your pregnancy journey, it is important to consider many of these factors influencing fertility. Maximizing your chances of conception means optimizing your body to give yourself the best chance of success. 

You should pay regular visits to your fertility clinic and undergo the necessary tests with your doctor. This would help you manage any pregnancy issues that you might have.

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How To Get Pregnant 101 https://easyconception.com/how-to-get-pregnant-101/ Wed, 10 Mar 2021 14:22:41 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?p=288 Why has it become so hard to get pregnant? Some couples have trouble getting pregnant because of several issues in their reproductive health. Fertility becomes a concern when you do not get pregnant after 12 months of regular, adequate, unprotected vaginal sex. In other words, you must have had sex for more than three days […]

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Why has it become so hard to get pregnant?

Some couples have trouble getting pregnant because of several issues in their reproductive health. Fertility becomes a concern when you do not get pregnant after 12 months of regular, adequate, unprotected vaginal sex. In other words, you must have had sex for more than three days on different days every week within a year before saying you have fertility problems.

What is normal?

There are many myths about conception and pregnancy. Therefore, it’s important to start with what is considered normal. What you have been hearing from that friend or family member might not be correct. You need the right information to have a successful fertility journey. Below are a few truths about what is normal:

  • Pregnancy is not always easy: Up to six million couples struggle to give birth every year, and there is no way to know who will face such trouble.
  • Regular periods do not translate to quick pregnancy. Since regular periods suggest ovulation, it is tempting to think that’s all there is to get pregnant. Yet, other factors affect conception. If your flow is off or you do not see your period at all, something is wrong. Using a ovulation calculator can help you time your cycle to increase your odds of conception.
  • Fertility naturally decreases with age: This happens because of a reduction in the number and quality of eggs. Women less than 35 years old have a 20% chance of getting pregnant every month, but this value drops to 5% in those over 40 years old.
  • Weight affects fertility: A healthy fat storage correlates with estrogen production but obese, overweight, and underweight women may experience menstrual cycles that are not regular. This affects ovulation and could also pose a threat to the pregnancy. Weight loss can improve your chances of a successful conception.
  • Fertility problems affect both sexes alike: There is a widespread myth that pregnancy troubles happen because of women, but studies have shown otherwise. Both men and women have equal chances of being the cause of infertility.
  • Annual Ob/Gyn exams are not enough: Thorough exams check your breasts, vagina, uterus, ovaries and screen for cervical cancer, yet they do not replace testing. You need to visit a fertility clinic for proper testing and treatment if you have a hard time getting pregnant.

Am I infertile?

You can only get answers to this question after taking several tests to find the problem’s cause. In many instances, it is simply a matter of not trying enough. There are two types of infertility to note:

  • Primary: Couples that have never conceived have a primary fertility problem.
  • Secondary: If you have conceived in the past regardless of the outcome, then the problem is secondary.

You might have spent time and money for several years trying to avoid getting pregnant only to find out that it’s much tougher to conceive. You are not alone.

Many couples experience anger, frustration, and depression because of the stress of being seen as infertile. If you experience anything different from the normal we have discussed, you should get tested as soon as possible.


Fertility is a problem of couples, so testing involves both partners within a menstrual cycle. While baseline tests cover both genders, there are certain tests for males and females.


Semen analysis is the mainstay for testing in males. Your doctor will collect your sample three to four days after abstinence. The results are most accurate within an hour of sample collection. Semen testing involves checking for sperm count, semen movement, form, volume, white blood cell count, and pH. According to WHO or ACOG, all factors must fulfill certain minimum criteria for a man to be cleared of any issue. Other tests for men include blood tests, ultrasound of the vas deferens, urine tests, and the testes’ biopsy.


Women undergo tubal patency tests such as HSG and via a laparoscope (this involves putting in a small camera through the skin to look at the organs). These methods also help to reveal pelvic adhesions and tubal problems better. 

Also, different tests reveal a woman’s ovulatory state. They include LH urine strips and hormone assay. Other tests for women include blood tests, ultrasound, x-ray, and cervical factor tests.


Both partners should go for treatment at a specialist clinic. The treatments address both the male and female factors involved in a pregnancy. Sometimes, the problem might be from a spouse or both. In rare cases, tracing the problem might be hard. Still, there are various treatment options for you to explore:

  • Ovulation induction agents: These drugs aim to help the ovaries to release more eggs. They also improve the quality of eggs. A great example of such a drug is clomiphene citrate. Other drugs like letrozole improve gonad function.
  • IVF: This treatment helps both parties with fertility problems. It is also a great choice for same-sex couples and single parents. The health expert fertilizes the sperm and egg in a lab before implanting them in the mother’s uterus. IVF addresses low sperm count and damaged tubes.
  • IUI: This process requires a sperm donor, and it involves injecting prepared sperm into the uterus at the time of ovulation. It is also a great choice for people with low sperm count and cervix problems.
  • Egg or sperm donation: Sometimes, couples might not provide eggs or sperm, as seen in same-sex marriages. Also, older women finding it hard to conceive may require donations.
  • Surrogacy: This treatment option is useful in cases where pregnancy is too risky. It also helps in cases with an abnormal uterus, failed IVF treatment, and chronic health problems.

Other treatment options include different types of surgeries to treat certain causes in men and women.

Take charge of your fertility today

Whether you are just starting your fertility journey or already into treatment, it is important to know the basics. Knowing what is normal and visiting a clinic for exams and tests will most likely address your condition. Do not give up!

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Austin Fertility and Reproductive Medicine https://easyconception.com/listings/austin-fertility-and-reproductive-medicine/ https://easyconception.com/listings/austin-fertility-and-reproductive-medicine/#respond Sat, 27 Feb 2021 06:33:36 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?post_type=listing&p=226 Reasons to choose AFRM’s private fertility practice over the hospital-based IVF practices in Austin: AFRM is the only private fertility center in Austin that looks at a couple’s fertility as exactly that, a “couple’s” fertility.  In fact, AFRM is the ONLY private fertility center in the state of Texas, and one of a select few in the […]

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Reasons to choose AFRM’s private fertility practice over the hospital-based IVF practices in Austin:

  • AFRM is the only private fertility center in Austin that looks at a couple’s fertility as exactly that, a “couple’s” fertility.  In fact, AFRM is the ONLY private fertility center in the state of Texas, and one of a select few in the United States with in-house fellowship trained and board certified specialists in female and male fertility, in order to provide ALL options for couples.
  • AFRM does not have a “big business” feel, as is often the case at other fertility centers.  We are a family-run, family-oriented fertility center, giving individualized care to each and every one of our patients. When a couple achieves a successful pregnancy, it represents the pinnacle of the care AFRM has provided for the couple.
  • We understand that seeking fertility can be a sensitive and a stressful time — that is why we treat each patient on a personalized basis, making sure our patients don’t feel like a number.
  • AFRM is the only fertility center in Austin with procedure rooms and IVF lab (called Westlake IVF) in the office setting for the comfort, convenience and familiarity of our patients.  Because Westlake IVF is within the office setting, not only will the patient be familiar with the doctor performing the IVF procedures, but will be familiar with all the clinical staff assisting with IVF as well.
  • Although taking care of patients is the central focus of the doctors’ careers, the physicians at AFRM have published multiple peer-reviewed research papers in the areas of female and male infertility in prestigious scientific journals such as Fertility & Sterility.  They have also written multiple textbook chapters in the areas of female and male infertility. They continue to be involved in clinical and basic science research to help advance the field.
  • The physicians at AFRM have received multiple awards including Patients’ Choice Award, Compassionate Doctor Award, and Texas Monthly Superdoctor.

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Aspire Fertility – San Antonio https://easyconception.com/listings/aspire-fertility-san-antonio/ https://easyconception.com/listings/aspire-fertility-san-antonio/#respond Sat, 27 Feb 2021 06:27:20 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?post_type=listing&p=223 What sets Aspire Fertility apart from other fertility clinics? Our Process If you’ve read our story, you’ll know Aspire Fertility was inspired by the experience of having a beautiful, healthy boy through IVF, after two long years of hard work by a dedicated medical team. We wouldn’t change the result for anything. But the experience taught […]

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What sets Aspire Fertility apart from other fertility clinics?

Our Process

If you’ve read our story, you’ll know Aspire Fertility was inspired by the experience of having a beautiful, healthy boy through IVF, after two long years of hard work by a dedicated medical team.

We wouldn’t change the result for anything. But the experience taught us that the IVF process can be at best stressful, and at worst, heartbreaking. We saw that many clinics were not set up to provide the highest standard of care to patients. We went to our clinic expecting that they would be the ONE place that understood the emotional impact this journey. We knew we needed to be the team that demonstrate we understand.

Determined to be Different

We are determined to be different. We conducted a nationwide search to assemble the top medical and scientific minds in the industry to provide the very best outcomes possible for our patients. The results speak for themselves: the success rates of our clinical team far exceed the national average.

Aspire fertility was developed to be a different kind of fertility clinic where we create a family feel every step of the journey. We genuinely care about how we make our patients feel. Aspire Fertility was developed to create a positive experience throughout the entire IVF journey. We pride ourselves on:

  1. Patient Experience
  2. Patient Outcomes
  3. Standard Of Care
  4. Constant Communication
  5. We’re more than just a fertility clinic; we are support.

How Aspire Is Different

We believe fertility treatment can be done better. When we launched Aspire, we overhauled the fertility treatment process from beginning to end. We wanted to eliminate every unnecessary source of stress and deliver more compassionate care to our patients.

At Aspire, we make the following commitments to our patients:
  • Provide a five-star patient experience, designed for patients by healthcare industry experts
  • Establish and maintain an ongoing relationship with your OB/GYN
  • Offer transparent pricing with no out-of-network fees or hidden costs
  • Use the most advanced technology to increase the odds of a successful pregnancy
  • Simplify the treatment process, meeting critical timelines, avoiding missed medications, and reducing travel time
  • Streamline communications between you and your clinicians, eliminating the frustration of missed calls
  • Use advanced digital technologies to help you easily manage all aspects of your fertility journey
  • Clearly explain the fertility treatment process, empowering you to make decisions that are right for you

How the Fertility Treatment Process Can Fail Patients

Seeking fertility treatment in order to start a family is a big decision. Unavoidably, there are moments of confusion and anxiety along the journey.

Successful fertility treatment depends on good communication and exact timing. But too often, fertility care is fragmented and disjointed. Healthcare professionals communicate poorly with each other, and with patients. The result is often needless anxiety and worse patient outcomes, for many reasons:

  • lack of communication between physicians leads to repeat procedures and wasted appointments
    patients face unnecessary IVF stresses—endless travel, the need to be constantly available for nurse calls, mixups and miscommunications with pharmacies
    a veil of secrecy over the embryology lab—IVF patients never see the place where their child is made
  • lack of transparent pricing can mean surprise bills and hidden charges
  • late access to advanced therapy that would have raised the odds of success at the beginning

We’ve spoken to many others who have gone through the IVF process, and we’ve heard the same stories again and again—missed calls, frantic communications, surprise bills, and unanswered questions.

A Straightforward Initial Consultation

When you make an initial consultation, you will see a reproductive endocrinologist, who will be the physician in charge of your fertility treatment. Your physician will consult with you and your partner about your medical history, current health issues, and attempts to get pregnant. Your physician will lay out some of your treatment options and recommend next steps.

During your initial consultation you will see our state-of-the-art Advanced Reproductive Technology (ART) lab. Although this is an ISO-certified clean room, it’s more than just a sterile laboratory: it’s a warm, inviting space that houses the most advanced fertility tools in the world. Through the glass wall you can see our board-certified embryologists, led by our nationally recognized lab director, at work creating families.

During the initial consultation, you will also get a tour of Aspire’s Houston Fertility Clinic and meet the team of fertility professionals dedicated to helping you achieve conception. Besides the physician, the team will generally include:

  • primary fertility nurse who will be key to coordinating your care. As you’re also likely to interact with other nurses from time to time, we will introduce you to the entire nursing team
  • the embryologist—a scientist who will carry out procedures such as IVF
  • our on-site counselor, who can help you navigate the stresses of the process and deal with emotional and mental health issues that may arise
  • financial adviser, who can help you to understand the costs of treatment, and may be able to assist you with insurance, grants, and other outside financial resources.

Better Communication in Testing and Treatment

Obviously, every patient and every case is different, and treatments vary greatly. It is likely your physician will recommend some further diagnostic testing before starting any treatment.

Your physician’s recommendations will depend on a number of factors. In most cases, the woman’s age, and how long she has been trying to get pregnant, will be key factors in deciding whether to recommend a treatment.

For treatments where your medications require daily monitoring, our electronic patient communication eco-system, Aspire Connect, uses modern communications technology to help you manage your journey towards creating a family:

  • Aspire Connect Scheduling, which gives an up-to-the-minute view of our office schedule, letting you easily arrange a consultation online
  • Aspire Connect Messaging, which lets you:
    • send texts to your nurse, allowing you to ask questions as you think of them and avoid frustrating “phone tag”
    • access test results from text notifications via mobile, and respond with questions directly to your clinical team
    • reach the automated attendant after-hours, or the on-call nurse without a complicated on-call system
    • receive medication reminders, view instructional videos, and confirm you’ve taken medication, so that your clinical team can make adjustments to your treatment plan in real time
  • Aspire Connect Portal, our online platform which provides:
    • a secure portal for access to your complete medical record
    • a dynamic online treatment calendar letting you stay on top of what comes next in your journey
    • a complete record of your communications through Aspire Connect Messaging
    • access to all lab reports
    • a way to view and pay your bill online
    • access to educational resources
  • Aspire Connect Video, which offers:
    • a way to connect with any member of your fertility team instantly from your iPhone, iPad, or Android device
    • live sharing of your ultrasounds, lab results, or parts of your medical record by your fertility team
    • convenient satellite offices for lab work and ultrasounds, saving you driving and travel time.

Best Practices Are Standard Care

Aspire believes that patients should not have to pay more for best practices. Therefore, when research proves that techniques improve conception rates, Aspire incorporates those techniques into their standard care wherever possible. During IVF, when the time comes to create and implant embryos, all our patients benefit from:

  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), where a single, high-quality sperm is injected directly into the center of each egg
  • Assisted Hatching, where the barrier around the egg (zona pellucida) is thinned or weakened by an embryologist to improve the chances it will implant on the lining of the uterus
  • Delayed Embryo Transfer, where eggs are retrieved and frozen, and then thawed and implanted once the body’s cycle has returned to normal—which more closely resembles natural conception

There will always be uncertainty in fertility treatment, and outcomes are never guaranteed. However, we can promise better service, clearer, more honest communication, and an excellent standard of care.

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Brown Fertility https://easyconception.com/listings/brown-fertility/ https://easyconception.com/listings/brown-fertility/#respond Sat, 27 Feb 2021 06:19:44 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?post_type=listing&p=219 Founded by Dr. Samuel E. Brown, Brown Fertility is a fully comprehensive fertility clinic offering patients exceptional results through personalized care and world-class treatment plans. With over 30 years’ experience, and the management of more than 10,000 IVF cycles, the providers at Brown Fertility consistently achieve success rates above the national average. From basic evaluation and testing to the most advanced procedures […]

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Founded by Dr. Samuel E. Brown, Brown Fertility is a fully comprehensive fertility clinic offering patients exceptional results through personalized care and world-class treatment plans. With over 30 years’ experience, and the management of more than 10,000 IVF cycles, the providers at Brown Fertility consistently achieve success rates above the national average. From basic evaluation and testing to the most advanced procedures and treatments available, Brown Fertility is dedicated to Conceiving Miracles™.


Brown Fertility strives to deliver world-class, personalized care by providing comprehensive infertility services on the leading edge of technology to help grow families both locally and internationally in a warm, caring environment with Christian ideals.


  • Achieving superior pregnancy rates
  • Being recognized for medical excellence
  • Fostering a caring environment in which our clients, and associates needs and values are respected
  • Afford all employees continuous professional growth opportunities that enable them to improve their ability and skills
  • Providing affordable infertility treatment options
  • Providing excellent customer service

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Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine https://easyconception.com/listings/florida-institute-for-reproductive-medicine/ https://easyconception.com/listings/florida-institute-for-reproductive-medicine/#respond Sat, 27 Feb 2021 06:14:20 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?post_type=listing&p=216 F.I.R.M. infertility IVF doctors are board-certified reproductive medicine physicians who provide personalized care at an affordable cost in Jacksonville, Daytona Beach, Tallahassee, FL, Valdosta, Thomasville, Brunswick, GA Drs. Winslow, Duffy, Freeman, Sproul von Goeben, Erb and Henne operate under the philosophy of treating others the way they would like to be treated – a credo […]

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F.I.R.M. infertility IVF doctors are board-certified reproductive medicine physicians who provide personalized care at an affordable cost in Jacksonville, Daytona Beach, Tallahassee, FL, Valdosta, Thomasville, Brunswick, GA

Drs. Winslow, Duffy, Freeman, Sproul von Goeben, Erb and Henne operate under the philosophy of treating others the way they would like to be treated – a credo that offers highly personalized care at affordable rates, with your convenience in mind. By focusing on the “3 C’s” (care, cost, and convenience) the Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine (FIRM) has become the largest provider of infertility care in North Florida/South Georgia. In 2005 we were named one of the top ten infertility programs in the nation by Child Magazine. Our program has been featured on NBC, CBS, BBC News and the Today Show as well as People, Self, Pink, Conceive, Child, and Woman magazines.


All of our physicians are board-certified reproductive medicine subspecialists who endeavor to see their own patients. We have one very experienced nurse practitioner who works in our Tallahassee office. If your physician is not available on any particular visit you will see one of our other physicians. All of our physicians have received “Best Doctor” and “Compassionate Care” awards. Our infertility nurses average over eight years of infertility care experience. We have three doctoral and, one masters level embryologists. Our extensive staff allows us to offer several services not provided by most reproductive medicine programs, i.e., in-house epididymal/testicular sperm extractions, a cryo egg bank, donor embryo bank, gestational surrogate services as well as in-house pre-embryo genetic testing.  We have two highly experienced robotic laparoscopic surgeons who regularly perform difficult myomectomies, endometriosis as well as tubal reanastomosis surgeries on an outpatient basis.  We have a dedicated center for the care of polycystic ovarian syndrome patients not trying to conceive. All our services including IVF are offered year round. We maintain a comprehensive website and social media to update our patients on the latest advances in reproductive medicine. We are completely transparent about our program results and costs – these are posted on our website and updated regularly.


Infertility treatment is expensive and often is not covered by insurance. In the United States only fifteen states have a mandate to cover infertility care, Florida and Georgia do not. Only a handful of larger employers offer infertility insurance coverage. Clearly a major barrier for most patients seeking care is cost. Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine has always tried to keep costs to a minimum for all services. Our cost average approximately 20% less than the national averages for all services. Our goal has always been to allow more people to access care. We offer patients in the military, teachers, policemen and fireman a 10% reduction in costs for IVF – our way of saying “thank you”. We have several cost sharing and guarantee IVF programs designed to help patients with poorer chances for success. We have an in-house “pharmacy” for patient convenience and cost savings. We accept all major insurances as well as TriCare. Financing for all types of infertility is available.


Our primary facility is in downtown Jacksonville where our embryology lab/andrology lab is located. We have satellite offices/andrology labs at our South Jacksonville offices as well as in Daytona. We have seven locations in total to see patients, two in Jacksonville, one in Daytona, one in Tallahassee and three in South Georgia. Infertility often requires multiple visits these offices minimize travel time for our patients. Our downtown Jacksonville office is open seven days a week, 365 days a year. If services are not available seven days a week pregnancy rates will be compromised. Our IVF program is closed for two weeks during December to go over incubators and do quality assurance.

We take our mantra of care, cost and convenience seriously. At the Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine it is not solely about making babies it is about providing the highest level of care – the babies will come, over 15,000 to date!

Nondiscrimination Policy

Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine (FIRM) does not discriminate in the provision of services to persons with disabilities, including persons with HIV or AIDS, or persons who are associated with or have a relationship with a person with a disability.

FIRM will treat all patients and visitors receiving services in a welcoming manner that is free from discrimination based on age, race, color, creed, ethnicity, religion, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability including HIV or AIDS, veteran or military status, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law.

We will make reasonable modifications in policy and procedures when necessary to provide services to individuals with disabilities unless the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the services. FIRM will provide auxiliary aids and services when needed to ensure effective communications with individuals with disabilities.

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Reproductive Partners Fertility Center https://easyconception.com/listings/reproductive-partners-fertility-center/ https://easyconception.com/listings/reproductive-partners-fertility-center/#respond Sat, 27 Feb 2021 06:06:09 +0000 https://easyconception.com/?post_type=listing&p=213 The journey to becoming parents can be one filled with challenges, hope and, ultimately, endless joy. Our goal at Reproductive Partners Fertility Center – San Diego (RPSD) is to accompany you on your journey with world-class medical treatment, care and compassion.   A Promise of Personal Care At RPSD we are honored to be part of […]

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The journey to becoming parents can be one filled with challenges, hope and, ultimately, endless joy. Our goal at Reproductive Partners Fertility Center – San Diego (RPSD) is to accompany you on your journey with world-class medical treatment, care and compassion.


A Promise of Personal Care

At RPSD we are honored to be part of each and every patient’s unique journey to becoming a parent. It is a privilege to be entrusted with such a transformative experience, and one that we treat with the utmost sensitivity and respect. Your relationship with your physician begins the day of your first appointment. All of your office procedures–from initial diagnostics and interim monitoring, through the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedure and all ultrasound examinations–will be performed by one of our expert physicians. They will design a customized fertility treatment plan, carefully monitor your progress and always be available to answer your questions.


A Commitment to Excellence

We are a passionate group of fertility doctors and staff members who have been successfully treating couples for over 20 years. Founded in 1998 by Dr. Gabriel Garzo and Dr. David Meldrum, RPSD delivered the first Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) baby in San Diego County in 2001. Our unique relationship with the Department of Reproductive Medicine, University of California, San Diego enables us to be clinically based and gives us access to cutting-edge research so we can provide the very best to our patients. Dr. Gabriel Garzo, Dr. David Meldrum, Dr. Antoni Duleba and Dr. Irene Su all have full time or clinical faculty appointments and regularly participate in the teaching of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellows, OB-GYN Residents and medical students.


A New Era of Treatment

The main emphasis of our practice is single embryo transfer. We believe it is the most effective way to help patients and reduce risks, resulting in greater success achieving healthy pregnancies. As one of the few fertility treatment centers in the country placing a major emphasis on single embryo transfer, we have taken care to optimize the process. In the past, the viability of the embryos was compromised by freezing them; a newer cryopreservation technique called vitrification has greatly improved the quality of frozen embryos. They are now virtually as healthy as fresh embryos. Another important advance is Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS), wherein each embryo is tested to determine whether all of its chromosomes are normal. By transferring only a single, chromosomally normal embryo, multiple pregnancies are dramatically reduced, and the mother’s and the child’s health risks and the rate of miscarriage are dramatically decreased.


National and International Recognition

Patients travel great distances to be treated by our physicians. This is due to our extraordinary success rates with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), which are significantly higher than the national average. We have been recognized by the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology for achieving these results with a lower number of embryos transferred, reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies. Nationally, our physicians have been featured in People magazine, ABC Nightline, The Oprah Show and The Best Doctors in America. Internationally, we are recognized as leading practitioners and researchers in the field, and our doctors are frequently invited to speak throughout the world. Our physicians have been featured on major European television and radio networks, and in several European newspapers.


A Belief in Communication

Open communication is extremely important during fertility treatment. Our experienced nursing staff will work with you one on one, explaining every aspect of your treatment. Your personal IVF coordinator is available to you, by phone and email, seven days a week, 365 days a year. You will have personal and direct consultation with our highly respected embryology laboratory staff. They maintain our personal approach to care in discussing your results, explaining them in detail and continuing constant communication with you. Individualized fertility treatment plans, continual physician care and open communication takes time, but we believe this is how success is maximized. When anxiety is replaced with relaxation, and fear is replaced with trust, your body is in a much healthier state to successfully achieve a pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby.

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